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BAO Spring Concert: Thurs April 18, 7pm in the Berkeley Community Theater

Thursday, April 18

Berkeley Community Theater 7:00PM

6pm: call time for all musicians

5pm: Musicians' Family Dinner in A105

4pm: call time for Stage Crew


BAO Concert Dress is formal.

All Black: Black dress shirt, (colorful tie for gents, optional for ladies), black dress pants or skirt (below the knees, please), black socks, black dress shoes. Please come talk to Mary/Karen ASAP if you need help assembling your outfit. BAO has items for you to borrow.

WHAT IS MUSICIANS' FAMILY DINNER? - please donate food

5pm dinner in A105 for musicians who can't go home between school and the concert and ANY OTHER BAO musicians who want to come! We ask ALL BAO FAMILIES to donate either to the musicians' dinner or send in a sweet/savory treat for our intermission's bake sale.

©2018 BHS BAO

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