Final concert and musicians' dinner, Thursday May 23
Hi BAO families,
The final BAO concert of the year is on Thursday, May 23.
Band and Orchestra will be holding classes Wednesday morning.
If you can help provide food for the musicians' dinner before the concert, please sign up here:
If you can help with the bake sale (by providing food or drinks to sell or volunteering before, during or after the concert), please sign up here:
Finally, if you would like to contribute to a year-end gift for the fantastic BAO teachers, there are several ways you can do so: (1) send money with your student to give to either Emily Pyle (0 period band) or Allyn Suzuki (0 period orchestra); (2) drop some cash in a box at the concert bake sale; (3) mail a check made out to Robin Packel to 2010 Berryman Street, Berkeley 94709; or (4) contribute via PayPal to Let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
-- Lois (volunteer coordinator) and Robin and Dev (bake sale coordinators)