April 18th Bake Sale and Musicians' Dinner, 5pm A105 - sign up to help/send food

If music be the food of love, play on!
(but our musicians gotta get they grub on before they play on... please contribute!)
** SIGN UP TO HELP OR DONATE to the Musicians' Dinner HERE
The Spring concert for Band/Orchestra is this Thursday, Apr 18th, 7pm at the BHS Community Theater!
That means it's time to invite you to consider donating food for
- Dinner for our 150 hungry musicians , and/or
- Our bake sale in the lobby to raise much-needed funds for the band and orchestra.
We also welcome monetary donations for pizzas for the musicians' dinner. Your student may bring in $$cash$$ donations.
We will need several parent volunteers to make it all happen…
- To assist at the musician dinner (set up from 4:00 pm; dinner served 5pm)
- Run the bake sale (before the concert and during intermission)
- Pass out programs and collect monetary donations
- And be our clean-up crew.
Food Ideas:
1. Musicians’ dinner: These items are very important – pizza can only go so far and we have LOTS of students to feed. We can arrange to pick up these items curbside before 5 so no parking is needed!
- Picnic style food such as -- green salads -pizzas – pastas –casseroles --burritos – chicken--fruit salad -cut-up fruit, -sushi and rice balls--hummus platter with vegetables and pita bread —etc.
- No drinks necessary for the musician's dinner as we will be serving water.
2. Snack/Bake sale (everything sold in $1.00 portions):
- Baked goods, cookies, also snacks that can be sold in $1.00 portions.
- Drinks: You may donate drinks to be sold at the Bake Sale for $1.00 each..
Please let us know if you can help and/or donate food.
Looking forward to seeing you at the concert and thank you very much.
Questions? Offers of help? Please contact our amazing Musicians’ Dinner Coordinators:
Lois Pyle, loispyle@yahoo.com